God’s Values


Me:  Visiting the parks again Prodigal?

Prodigal:  Yep, I enjoy the out doors and remind myself of what is most important in my life.

Me:  I agree, we need those moments.


This is from the book The God Who Hung on the Cross by Dois Rosser Jr. and Ellen Vaughn


Though we know that God’s values are at odds with this world’s, many of us are unconsciously swayed by the culture of celebrity, power, and influence.  When that happens, we begin to believe God can’t really use us unless we’re sharp and successful, thin and thriving, living the “victorious Christian life”–or seeming to–like the handful of headliners who speak at Christian conferences, write successful books, and pastor the megachurches.  God longs to set us free from that boxed-in thinking.  He loves us!  He takes great pleasure, as He always has, in using weak, flawed, eccentric, failed human beings to highlight His power.


Well we know this is true because he has used this weak, very flawed, eccentric and failure of a human being. I praise God for seeing something in me beyond this.


Isaiah 26:12

O Lord, you will ordain peace for us, for you have indeed done for us all our works.


Jennifer Van Allen





Prodigal:  How is your day today?

Me:  Good, I spent some time praying on my knees with God.

Prodigal:  Did it help?

Me:  Yes it did!


This is from the book A Praying Life by Paul Miller


I am starting to see there is a difference between “saying prayers” and honest praying.  Both can sound the same on the outside, but the former is too often motivated by a sense of obligation and guilt; whereas the latter is motivated by a conviction that I am completely helpless to “do life” on my own.  Or in the case of  praying for others, that I am completely helpless to help others without the grace and power of God.


Yes, God it is not me but YOU who help people.


Isaiah 26:4

Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is and everlasting rock.


Jennifer Van Allen





Me:  How are you and your friend?

Prodigal:  Let’s just say we’re not on borrowin’ terms.

Me:  Well I hope that this will encourage your walk though.


This is from the book God’s Little Devotional Book for Women


One of the items in Ripley’s Believe It or Not! is a picture of a plain bar of iron.  It is valued at $5.00.  The same bar of iron has a far different value, however, if it is fashioned into different items.

— As a pair of horse shoes, it would be worth $50.00

–As sewing needles, it would be worth $5000.00

–As balance springs for fine Swiss watches, it would be worth $500,000.


The raw materiel is not what is not what is important.  What’s important is how raw material is developed.

Each of us has been given talents and abilities–some have received more, others less, but all have received something as a unique gift from God.  As Christians, we also enjoy spiritual gifts which flow from the Holy Spirit of God.

The value of these raw material, however, is a moot point unless we develop and use our talents, abilities and spiritual gifts as a force for divine good in this world.

If you don’t know what your abilities and gifts are, ask God to reveal them to you.  Then ask Him to show you what He wants you to do with them.  Your happiness and success in life   will be found in fulfilling His plan for your life.


I heard the voice of the Lord,saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?  Then said I , Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8


Jennifer Van Allen



Undivided Heart


Me:  Where are you going Prodigal?

Prodigal:  I am running around and it has been a hectic day.

Me:  You need to put on your sittin’ britches then.

Prodigal:  I might have time to listen a little.


This is from the book Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa Terkeurst


Lord, may nothing separate me from You today.  Teach me how to choose only Your way today so that each step will lead me closer to You.  Help me walk by the truth today and not my feelings.

Help me to keep my heart pure and undivided.  Protect me from my own careless thoughts, words, and actions.  And keep me from being distracted by MY wants, MY desires, MY thoughts on how things should be.

Help me to embrace what comes my way as an opportunity…rather than a personal inconvenience.

And finally, help me to rest in the truth of Psalm 86:13, “Great is your love toward me.”

You already see all the many ways I will surely fall short and mess up.  But right now, I consciously tuck Your whisper of absolute love for me into deepest part of my heart.  I recognize Your love for me is not based on my performance.  You love me warts and all.

Have mercy, that’s amazing.

But what’s most amazing is that the God of the universe, the Savior of the world, would desire a few minutes with me this morning.  Lord, help me to forever remember what a gift it is to sit with You like this.


Psalm 86:11

Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart


Jennifer Van Allen



A Daily Task


Me:  Woo-ee, you look like chewed twine.

Prodigal:  It’s been that kind of day so I will just let you talk.


This is from the book You Can Change by Tim Chester


Faith and repentance are daily disciplines.  Turning from sinful desires in faith today doesn’t’ mean that the problem will be gone tomorrow.  I may well find myself having to turn from my sinful desires in faith to God today, tomorrow, and day by day after that.  I may realize I crave the approval of certain people so much that they’ve become idols in my heart.  I may determine to fear God more than I fear those people, but it will still be a daily struggle to remember that God is greater.


That person’s approval will not mean anything ten years from now.  God’s approval will mean a great thing though.


2 Samuel 22:31

This God-his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.


Jennifer  Van Allen







Me:  You look like you are ready for war!

Prodigal:  Yes, I am

Me:  Maybe this will help you then.


Soldiers of Christ Arise


Soldiers of Christ arise and put your armor on,

Strong in the strength which God supplies through His eternal Son,

Strong in the Lord of Hosts and in His mighty pow’r,

Who in the strength of Jesus trusts is more than conqueror.

Stand then in His great might with all His strength endued,

But take to arm you for the fight the panoply of God,

Leave no unguarded place; no weakness of the soul,

Take ev’ry virtue, ev’ry grace, and fortify the whole.

To keep your armor bright, attend with constant care,

Still walking in your Captain’s sight and watching unto prayer,

From strength to strength go on; wrestle and fight and pray,

Tread all the pow’rs of darkness down and win the well fought day.


Charles Wesley, 1749


Colossians 1:15-16

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.  For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities–all things were created through him and for him.


Jennifer Van Allen

