Radical Obedience

Prodigal: Ain’t it a day to praise the Lord.

Me: Amen and a second Amen.

This is from the book Reaching for the Invisible God by Philip Yancey

Berger responded with the observation that I was operating with a rather grandiose notion of radical obedience. Somewhere in a retirement home, he said, there is a Christian woman whose greatest fear in life is that she will make a fool of herself because she will not be able to control her bladder in the cafeteria line. For this woman, the greatest act of radical obedience to Jesus Christ is to place herself in the hands of a loving God every time she goes off to dinner.

Berger’s point was profound. God calls us to deal with the challenges before us, and often our most “radical” challenges are very “little” ones. The call to radical micro-obedience may mean patiently listening to someone who is boring or irritating, or treating a fellow sinner with a charity that is not easy to muster, or offering detailed advice on a matter that seems trivial to everyone but the person asking for the advice.

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Jennifer Van Allen




Prodigal: Well ain’t I looking dandy!

Me: Don’t get too prideful!

This is from the book The Dynamics of Worship by James P. Gills, M.D.

Pride is a subtle thing and often exists where it is least expected, for one can even be proud of his humility! Pride in one’s own personal appearance leads that individual to give undue attention to himself or herself. Pride of gift leads to an ostentatious display of it and secret craving for applause. Pride of position leads its owner to adopt a condescending air to his fellow believers. Pride of possessions shows itself in self-complacency and boasting. Pride of one’s ecclesiastical position evidences itself in smugness and sanctimoniousness.

This will upset you. The problem is pride and it begins with you and me. I know that is hard to read. Start to examine your heart and spirit and we both find pride is there. So to move forward, the pride has to be dealt with. The pride has to stop.

2 Corinthians 5:9-10

So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

Jennifer Van Allen



Women Lovin’ Jesus

Me: Don’t fall!

Prodigal: I won’t.

Me: If you burn your butt, you got to sit on the blister.

Prodigal: I hear you.

This is a short video devotion on proverbs

click here to watch the video

Proverbs 7:13

So she caught him and kissed him; with an impudent face she said to him: (NKJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Grant My Prayer

Prodigal: That just frosted me!

Me: What did?

Prodigal: My friend not showing up.

Me: Forgiveness is key and communication.

This is from the book Saint Augustine Confessions by Saint Augustine

Grant my prayer, O Lord, and do not allow my soul to wilt under the discipline which you prescribe. Let me not tire of thanking you for your mercy in rescuing me from all my wicked ways, so that you may be sweeter to me than all the joys which used to tempt me; so that I may love you most intensely and clasp your hand with all the power of my devotion; so that you may save me from all temptation until the end of my days.

Psalm 103:6

The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.

Jennifer Van Allen



A False Deduction

Prodigal: This mountain is tough to climb!

Me: Let’s just take a break right now.

This is from the book Why Jesus? by Ravi Zacharias

First, the innocent is attracted to climb a mountain. Then the innocent draws others into her orbit to keep her company as she climbs. The she seduced the others into believing that she has attained a higher status than the mountain and now has a transcendent perspective. Finally, she make it look as if all along, the mountain should have tried to scale her heights but i couldn’t, because it is not the mountain that created the climber but the climber that created the mountain and everything around it is the climber’s creation. Now when others come to the mountain, it is to find that the mountain actually leads to her.

Do not be fooled. A false teacher will point to themselves and not Christ. They may say verses of the bible and say things that relate to God. The truth is that it always ends up you serving them, and following their commands. At any time if you choose to followi the bible and that means you don’t do want they say, a persecution will come to you. When you find yourself in this situation. Get out! This is not someone God has anointed.

Psalm 103:5

who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Jennifer Van Allen



Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: These trees are joined together.

Me: Yes, they are, are they are beatiful!

This is a video devotion on Proverbs

click here to watch the video

Proverbs 7:12

At time she was outside, at times in the open square, lurking at every corner. (NKJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Ending and Beginning

Prodigal: I’m plum tired after all that climbing.

Me: It is time for a short break then.

This is from the book No Wonder They Call Him the Savior by Max Lucado

My, what an ending. Or, better said, what a beginning! Don’t miss the promise unveiled in the story of Jesus. For those of us who, like the apostles, have turned and run when we should have stood and fought, this passage is pregnant with hope. A repentant heart is all he demands. Come out of the shadows! Be done with your hiding! A repentant heart is enough to summon the Son of God himself to walk through our walls of guilt and shame. He who forgave his followers stands ready to forgive the rest of us. All we have to do is come back.

No wonder they call him the Savior.

Joshua 1:8

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Jennifer Van Allen



An Angel in the Wilderness

Me: You do look right smart.

Prodigal: I am trying to impress

This is from the book Angels Beside You by James Pruitt

The date is May 5, 1864. The place is a dark woodland south of the Rapidan River, ten miles west of Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania.

On the morning of the fifth, Generals Ulysses S. Grant and George Gordon Meade were notified that Confederate forces under General Richard Stoddert Ewell were moving on the Orange Turnpike, thinking the force to be only a division, Grant ordered an attack. Union forces under General Governor Warren engaged the Confederate force, an encounter that soon escalated into a full-fledged battle. Grant soon realized that the Confederate troops were not a minor element of General Robert E. Lee’s army, but the main force itself.

Because of the thick woods, the men were often firing at one another at point blank range. Battle lines became confused in the smoke-filled woods; regiments lost contact with one another. Commanders led their men by following the sounds of firing, often finding themselves shooting at each other or at the muzzle flashes of an enemy they could not see.

To add to the confusion, Confederate General A.P. Hill began to advance with his forces up the Orange Plank Road to the south. There he was met by Union General Winfield Scott Hancock, and a separate and equally desperate battle ensued. Again the battle was fought at close quarters, often hand-to-hand, with bayonets and rifles used as clubs. All day the fighting surged back and forth, with ground being taken, held for an hour, lost in a counterattack, then retaken. As evening fell, nothing significant had been gained by either side, and the forces retired to whatever makeshift lines they could form before darkness fell.

Grateful for the opportunity at last to get some rest, men from both sides of the bloody conflict soon found that even darkness would not allow them to escape the suffering and misery that had marked the day’s terrible events. A new enemy now unleashed its wrath upon the wounded and dying who lay in the tangles and wood-chocked gullies of the confusing battlefield. The new enemy was fire.

In the bitter fighting just before dark, the musket flashes had started a number of small fires that now erupted into a full-fledged forest fire. Caught in the path of the blaze were the dead and wounded of both armies who were strewn all through the woods. Soon the magnitude of the situation became fully known as men screamed in agonizing pain when the flames began to consume the wounded. Piercing cries and pleas for death echoed through the darkness. The air began to fill with the smell of burning flesh. It was more than even these hardened veterans could stand.

Sergeant William Neil of the 27th Virginia Regiment of the famed Stonewall Brigade went to his commander, Lieutenant Colonel Charles L. Haynes, and requested that the colonel attempt to arrange a truce so that both sides might join to remove the wounded from the path of the fire. The colonel agreed and told the sergeant to organize volunteers for the dangerous task while he made arrangements with Union forces holding the positions across from them.

Among the Virginia volunteers was a young Rebel soldier named Joshua Bates, the son of a Baptist minister who had disowned his only son for engaging in this awful war.

The truce arranged, Sergeant Neil and ten volunteers put their weapons aside and went to meet a Union sergeant and ten of his unarmed men in a clearing between the lines. The two squads braved the heat and the flames of the fores fire to bring out their wounded brothers in arms, without regard to the color of their uniforms.

The mission of mercy continued for over an hour, with the wounded hastily carried back to the clearing, where others tended them and moved them farther back behind the lines. But even with this effort, not all could be rescued. The screams of the less fortunate carried on the night air filled with smoke, heat, and the smell of burning meat. Still the rescuers returned time after time in an effort to save as many possible from such a terrible death.

Weary from running back and forth and suffering from near heat exhaustion, Private Bates and three others returned once more into the flames to retrieve a soldier screaming this his pants were on fire. Locating the man, Bates dropped to his knees and threw dirt onto the burning pants to put out the fire.

As the rescuers prepared to pick up the wounded man, they heard a loud cracking sound and saw a towering tree in all its fiery glory crash down between them and the only way out of the fire. The rescuers themselves were now surrounded by the roaring blaze that quickly began to close in on them. There were no avenues of escape, and any hope of rescue was impossible. One of the soldiers cried out, “My God….we’re all going to die!”

Kneeling beside the wounded soldier, Private Bates encouraged those around him to join hands as he prayed.

“Oh Lord, our task this night has been a mighty one. We have risked all to save our fellow man. Would you now reward us for showing compassion by committing us to this fiery furnace? We beseech you, Almighty God….come to our aid in this time of great need. In your name, we ask. Amen.”

From their tightly knit group within the surrounding flames, the four men saw a lone figure appear beyond the fire. It was a figure of unusual height, dressed not in a uniform but in what appeared to be a white sackcloth robe. The figure raised a hand and called to the men surrounded by the flames, “Come out, hurry! Come this way and bring your wounded brother.”

Hesitant at first, the men looked at one another, then back to the figure who now seemed to move directly into the flames, yet was unharmed by the fire. Again the calm and gentle voice told them to follow him. Still uncertain, but having little to lose, the four men picked up the wounded soldier and began moving toward the figure in the fire. As they neared the flames the figure turned and walked away. As it did, a sudden wind swept over the men and the wall of flame seem to split apart, leaving an opening of some twenty feet. Without delay, Bates and the others hurried through the exit. Within seconds they were free of the raging fire that immediately consumed the very area in which had been kneeling only minutes before.

Scurrying clear of the heat and flames, the men placed the wounded man on the ground and looked around for the figure who had encouraged them to escape certain death, but no one was there. They were the only ones in the immediate area. The mysterious figure had vanished.

Bates survived the Civil War and returned home, where he became a Baptist preacher and was often requested to relate his story of the miracle that had occurred in the bloody battle of the Wilderness.

Psalm 103:1

Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

Jennifer Van Allen



Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: I love how it is looking.

Me: Still have more to work on.

This is a video devotion on Proverbs.

click here to watch the video

Proverbs 7:11

She is loud and rebellious, her feet would not stay at home. (NKJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Follower of Christ

Me: I am proud to follow Christ.

Prodigal: Me too, it defines my whole identity.

This is from the book Sister Freaks: Stories of Women Who Gave Up Everything for God by Rebecca St. James

Like a crudely fashioned bracelet, Mulahn’s wrist is encircled in marred flesh–a result of torture at the hands of Muslim kidnappers. Captors singed her skin with sulfuric acid, erasing the carefully tattooed cross there. The cross had been Mulahn’s quiet proclamation that she was a Christian amid a culture of Islam. Somehow, Egyptian captors determined to sear Christ from her heart by burning her skin.

Mulahn grew up in Egypt in a Christian home. Her family represented a small religious minority in Egypt–the Coptic Christians numbering six million. Islamic fundamentalists began targeting Coptics in the 1990’s, believing them to be a real threat to Islam.

These Islamic zealots roamed the streets, looking for Coptics to harass and abduct. Mulahn’s closely woven community lived against that constant backdrop of worry, wondering if that day would bring yet another abduction. They were very cautious about whom they trusted and where they traveled.

On one ordinary day, a group called the Gamat Islamiya abducted 18 year old Mulahn while she was visiting friends. They spirited her away, and her abductors raped her repeatedly. They knew that if they did so, they’d essentially ruin Mulahn’s life–if they stole her innocence, they stole her ability in her culture ever to marry.

Everything they did was deliberate. Every torture they invented had a purpose: to dissuade her from Christianity and her culture.

During the ordeal, her captors moved her in stealth, blind folded and brutalized, to dingy hideouts. They worked day and night to convert her heart and mind to Islam and undermine her connection to Jesus Christ. “Pray to Allah!” they demanded. To survive, Mulahn had to do as they said, bowing low to the ground facing Mecca.

The kidnappers made Mulahn memorize pages of the Koran. Through sleep and food deprivation, mind-numbing memorization sessions, forced prayer, and repeated rape, Mulahn began to bend to her captors’ wishes.

Mulahn’s traumatized father sought help from the Cairo police. “You must find her,” he told them. “They will torture her.” Hot tears erupted from his dark eyes. “You must find her.”

“Forget Mulahn,” a police officer told him. “She’s now safe in the hands of Islam.”

“You don’t understand. They have taken my daughter.”

“You don’t understand!” the officer shot back. “You must sign this now.” He shoved a document toward Mulahn’s father, handing him a pen. The piece of paper declared that he would not search for his daughter. “Sign it!”

“I cannot sign this.”

“If you don’t, you will be responsible for any harm that comes her way. If your family searches, for her, she will be hurt. Mulahn is safe. She is being retrained in the ways of Islam. If you love her, you will leave her alone. Allah will take care of her.”

With shaking hand, Mulahn’s father signed the document, his tears blurring his signature. Still, he searched for her in secret, relentless in his pursuit.

During her “retraining,” Mulahn’s kidnappers required her to wear a veil, the traditional hijab Islamic women wear for the sake of modesty. Initially she refused. “They warned me that if I removed it, they would throw acid on my face.” she later recounted. After days upon days of brain washing torture, she acquiesced to her captors and signed papers saying she was convert to Islam. She quit fighting the veil.

And then, one day, she escaped.

A clandestine group called Servants of the Cross arranged for her rescue. This group sheltered her, nourished her. It protected her from harm and kept her safe from her captors.

Egyptian Shari’a law considers conversion from Islam to Christianity illegal–an offense that carries a swift death sentence. Even so, the Servants helped Mulahn find her way back to Christianity. Instead of demanding she shroud herself in a veil, the Servants gave her light. Instead of depriving her, they gave her food. Instead of forcing her to pray, they prayed for her.

The group helped Mulahn in other ways too. Because Egyptian law places the sole blame upon rape victims, not the rapists, the state often gives the victims a death sentence. Other rape victims are not allowed to marry; they are considered damaged. But the Servants introduced Mulahn to a Christian who later became her husband.

One Servant explained, “I supervised between thirty and thirty-five re-conversions every month. In all Egypt there are between seven thousand and ten thousand cases of forced conversions to Islam. It is our duty to save them.”

With the help of the Servants of the Cross, a tattooist place another cross on Mulahn’s wrist, just above her bracelet of torture. Today, she dares to be a follower of Jesus Christ–in a culture that longs to sear His cross from their land with disfiguring acid.

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12

Jennifer Van Allen

