Me: Doesn’t look like much is growing there.
Prodigal: I did the sewing, the Lord will do the growing!
Many times in my life in practical affairs I have had my “mourning turned into dancing,” because I have found that the trial I mourned was really a gateway into the good things I longed for. And I cannot help suspecting that this is far more often the case than we are inclined to think. I knew a man who had both his feet frozen off, and was thwarted in all his plans by the lameness that ensued. He thought his life was ruined and mourned with unspeakable anguish. But this very trial opened out for him another career which proved finally to be the thing of all others he would have chosen, and which brought him a success far beyond the wildest dreams of his early aspirations. His greatest trouble became his greatest triumph. Instances of this are innumerable. Every life has some.
by Hannah Whitall Smith
He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none.
Luke 3:11
Jennifer Van Allen