Character Training

Me: Look at all the fish.

Prodigal: I wonder if they are related?

Me: I don’t know, it would be nice if there parents were there.

Prodigal: Yes, that would be a good support.

This is from the book Bringing up Boys by Dr. James Dobson

If character training is a primary goal of parenting, and I believe it is, then the best way to instill it is through the demeanor and behavior of a father. Identification with him is a far more efficient teacher than lecturing, scolding, punishing, bribing, and cajoling. Boys watch their dads intently, noting every minor detail of behavior and values. It is probably true in your home, too. Your sons will imitate much of what you do. If you blow up regularly and insult your wife, your boys will treat their mother and other females disrespectfully. If you drink to excess, your kids will be at risk for chemical substance abuse. If you curse or smoke for fight with your coworkers, your boys will probably follow suit. If you are selfish or mean or angry, you’ll see those characteristics displayed in the next generation.

Fortunately, the converse is also true. If you are honest, trustworthy, caring, loving, self-disciplined, and God-fearing, your boys will be influenced by those traits as they age. If you are deeply committed to Jesus Christ and live by biblical principles, your children will probably follow in your footsteps. So much depends on what they observe in you, for better or worse.

Mark 2:41

And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.

Jennifer Van Allen

God Thinks of Us

Me: You are getting in the Christmas mood?

Prodigal: I am just checking if any gifts have found there way in yet.

Me: Might bit too early for that.

This is from the book Reclaiming Your Heart by Denise Hildreth Jones

Can I share something with you? There may always be people who don’t think you are worth much. They may see only your failures, only your sins, only the wrong things you have done. They may even determine that you have nothing of value to offer them. But that is about their hearts, not yours. It doesn’t have anything to do with what God sees when he looks at you.

The Lord sees you. He knows you. What does He feel? He feels love toward you. Even with what people have said about you today, focus on what the Lord says to your spirit.

Psalm 95:1-5

The heights of the hills are His also.

The sea is His, for He made it; And His hands formed the dry land.

Jennifer Van Allen

Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: You hit the nail on the head.

Me: Sometimes I get it right…

This is a short video devotion on Proverbs.

Click here to watch the video

Proverbs 10:3 The LORD does not let the righteous go hungry, but he thwarts the craving of the wicked. (ESV)

Jennifer Van Allen

When We Feel

Me: I like your picture.

Prodigal: They are some friends of mine.

Me: I want to share too.

This is written by Helen Steiner Rice

When we feel we have nothing to give,

And we are sure that the song has ended,

When our day seems over and the shadows fall,

And the darkness of night has descended,

Where can we go to find the strength

to valiantly keep on trying?

Where can we find the hand that will dry

the tears that the heart is crying?

There’s but one place to go and that is to God,

And, dropping all pretense and pride,

We can pour out our problems without restraint,

And, gain strength with Him at our side

And together we stand at life’s crossroads,

And view what we think is the end,

But God has a much bigger vision

And he tells us it’s only a bend.

For the road goes on and is smoother,

And the pause in the song is a rest,

And the part that’s unsung and unfinished

Is the sweetest and richest and best.

So rest and relax and grow stronger,

Let go and let God share your load,

Your work is not finished or ended,

You’ve just come to a bend in the road.

Proverbs 5:9

Lest you give your honor to others, And your years to the cruel one;

Jennifer Van Allen


Prodigal: I am ready to listen to a sermon.

Me: Yes, there is nothing like a good sermon filled with meat for the spirit.

Prodigal: I think I need one of those today.

Sermons should have real teaching in them, and their doctrine should be solid, substantial, and abundant. We do not enter the pulpit to talk for talk’s sake; we have instructions to convey important to the last degree, and we cannot afford to utter petty nothings. Our range of subjects is all but boundless, and we cannot, therefore, be excused if our discourses are threadbare and devoid of substance. If we speak as ambassadors for God, we need never complain of want of matter, for our message is full to overflowing. The entire gospel must be presented from the pulpit; the whole faith once delivered to the saints must be proclaimed by us. The truth as it is in Jesus must be instructively declared so that the people may not merely hear, but know, the joyful sound….Nothing can compensate for the absence of teaching.

Charles Spurgeon

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

John 13:34

Jennifer Van Allen

Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: There ain’t no flies on you.

Me: Trying to get a lot done.

This is a short devotional video on Proverbs.

Click here to watch the video

Proverbs 10:2

Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death. (ESV)

Jennifer Van Allen