Be Patient With Others

Prodigal: I can’t wait for Christmas!

Me: Hold on to your britches. You have to be patient like the rest of us.

This is from the book The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis

Endeavour to be patient in bearing with the defects and infirmities of others, of what sort soever they be; for that thyself also hast many failings which must be borne with by others. If thou canst not make thyself such an one as thou wouldest, how wilt thou be able to have another in all things to thy liking?

We would willingly have others perfect, and yet we amend not our own faults. We will have others severely corrected, and will not be corrected ourselves. The large liberty of others displeaseth us, and yet we will not have our own desires denied us. We will have others bound down by ordinances, and in no sort do we ourselves endure further restraint.

And thus it appeareth, how seldom we weigh our neighbour in the same balance with ourselves.

John 14:2-3

In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

Jennifer Van Allen

Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: Tis the season…..

Me: To Praise God!

This is a short video devotion on Proverbs.

click here to watch the video

Proverbs 12:1 Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. (NKJV)

Jennifer Van Allen

Think of It

Me: We have a lot of information around us.

Prodigal: What is the truth?

This is from the book The Revolution That Changed the World by Dr. David Jeremiah

Charles Colson, who once served as special counsel to President Richard Nixon, wrote, “My personal experiences in the Watergate scandal convinces me of the historic proof of the resurrection.” He goes on to explain that President Nixon’s closest advisers conspired to keep the illegal break-in secret. The conspiracy unraveled three weeks later, however, when Nixon’s legal counsel John Dean, fearing a prison sentence, went to the prosecutors and offered to testify in exchange for immunity “to save his own skin.” Other conspirators followed suit, bringing down the Nixon presidency. Colson continues:

Think of it: the most powerful men around the president of the United States could not keep a lie for three weeks. And you’d have me believe that the twelve apostles–powerless, persecuted, exiled, many martyred, their leader Peter crucified upside down–these common men, gave their lives for a lie, without ever breathing a word to the contrary? Impossible…..People will die for something they believe to be true; but men will never die for something they know to be false.

The lies will be exposed it just takes time. A lie does not have the power of the truth. A lie will not stand the test of time.

Matthew 18:7

Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to the man by whom the offence cometh!

Jennifer Van Allen

The Spirit in Christ

Prodigal: It is that time of year again.

Me: Yes, I am ready to prepare for the season.

Prodigal: Me too!

This is from T.T. Carter

Only as we know what it is to cherish love when sore at some unkindness, to overmaster ourselves when under provocation, to preserve gentleness during trial and unmerited wrong,–only then can we know in any degree the “manner of spirit” that was in Christ.

Focus on how our Lord would respond. Focus on being like Jesus. Love is the only way. It will grow us and make us lie in green pastures. Obedience in our spirit is the first step.

Psalms 25:7

Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for the sake of your goodness, O LORD!

Jennifer Van Allen

Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: Time to finish up some projects around the house.

Me: Yes, idle hands are the devil’s playground.

This is a short video devotion.

click here to watch the video

Proverbs 11:31 If the righteous is repaid on earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner! (ESV)

Jennifer Van Allen