Me: Howdy Prodigal!
Prodigal: Howdy, I am just eating and I will let you do the talking. Because this is too good to stop at the moment!
Today Is from Richard and Sharon Phillips in their book Holding Hands & Holding Hearts
A great many Christian books and counselors hail compatibility as the key to a successful and happy marriage. In our view, this reflects the consumer model of our secular culture more than the sacrificial model found in Holy Scripture. Marriage, experts tell us, works only when our needs and desires are met. But no such teaching is found in the Bible. In Scripture, we find that marriage works as a man and a woman stand before God in obedient faith, giving instead of taking, and serving instead of demanding. This is our problem with the emphasis on finding a compatible companion: it turns the whole of the Christian life on its head. Jesus said of Himself, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve” (Matt. 20:28), and surely marital love can be built on no other foundation.
I also feel that in relationships that the Lord will speak to us about the specifics of what we need to know for each us at that present time. I agree it does have to be a team with God leading that team. God shows up and gives us direction as we pray to Him everyday. Then we are obedient in faith.
1 John 2:21
I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
Jennifer Van Allen