Charles Darwin

09-19-15 012


Prodigal:  Howdy!  I am hanging out with my friends today and we are discussing Charles Darwin and evolution.  Christians do not believe in evolution do they?


Me:  No, we do not.  We did not come from monkeys.  I did find a short explanation that is not to detailed to explain this and I will share it with you.


In the book I Have a Friend Who’s Jewish Do You?  by Don Goldstein


Charles Darwin, who is the originator of the theory of evolution, and the author of The Origin Of The Species, admitted that millions of “missing links,” (transitional life forms), would have to be discovered in the fossil record to prove the accuracy of his theory.  Yet evolutionists have been unable to find ANY of the missing links.  Famous paleontologists at Harvard, the American, and even British Museum, report they have NOT A SINGLE EXAMPLE of evolutionary transition.


This is one think I never understood about the evolution theory.  If we evolved because, certain genes and traits enabled us a benefit and therefore we eventually became human.  Two important questions.

  1.  Why are monkeys still around?  Their traits should be inferior and they should have evolved too or just died out.
  2.  Why have humans not evolved with other special abilities and why have we not been able to come up with a longer life span then what God has ordained.

Sometimes we just believe things because it has been repeated to us by people we think are smart.  Look into things yourself though.  Evolution does not make since.


Genesis 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created them.


Jennifer Van Allen

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