I Don’t Fit

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Me: Prodigal are you trying to be a duck?


Prodigal:  I like these ducks and I thought I would fit right in with them.


Me:  Well, you are not a duck, you are a pig.  I think it is great that you are a pig!


Prodigal:  Thank you, I thought it was bad to be a pig.


Me:  Let me encourage you about being you Prodigal.


In Chuck Swinoll’s book Start Where You Are it talks about being ourselves.


One day Chuck was sitting with someone having coffee and the following conversation took place about Chuck.

“You don’t fit.  What’s with you?  You’ve got the roots of a fundamentalist, but you don’t sound like it.  Your theology is narrow, but you’re not rigid.  You take God seriously but laugh like there’s no tomorrow.  You have definite convictions, but you aren’t legalistic and demanding.

Then he added:  “Even though you’re a firm believer in the Bible, you’re still having fun, still enjoying life.  You’ve even got some compassion.


God may I always keep my compassion to the children you love!


Psalm 91:1-2

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”


Jennifer Van Allen






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