All That God Made


Me:  Howdy Prodigal, what are you doing?

Prodigal:  I am looking at all that God has made.

Me:  Its amazing isn’t it?

Prodigal:  Yes, it is.


Dr. James Gills writes in his book Exceeding Gratitude for the Creator’s Plan.

To a scientific materialist, there can be no nonmaterial intelligence that created the first life or guided its development into complex form, and no reality such as the supernatural.  Dr. Michael Behe, early in his scientific career, began to question this scientific naturalist philosophy, which states that everything real has a material basis and that all teleological conceptions of nature–“we are here for a purpose”–are invalid.

On a break with a colleague, Behe posed the question:  “If the first life did arise by random naturalistic processes from a chemical soup, as all textbooks are saying, what exactly are the minimum systems that are required for life?”  Together they ticked off a mental list of the minimum requirements:  a functioning membrane, a system to build the DNA units, a system to control the copying of DNA, and a system for energy processing.  Suddenly, they broke off their speculation, looked at each other, and smiled, jointly muttering, “Naah–too many systems; it couldn’t have happened by chance.”


Having faith doesn’t mean you are un intelligent.


Psalm 139:13-14

For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.  I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.


Jennifer Van Allen

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