


Me:  Ready to take the picture?

Prodigal:  Cheese!

Me:  There I got a good picture of you that time!

Prodigal:  I think it turned out great!

Me:  Thank you for not being critical of my picture taking abilities.

Prodigal:  I am just happy to receive a picture.

Me:  Thank you!


The Secret of Happiness by Billy Graham talks about forbearance


“Forbearance”  is a word which has been almost dropped from our modern vocabulary.  It means to abstain from condemning others, to refrain from judging the actions and motives of those about us.

The Bible says:  “With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love”(Ephesians 4:2).

This generation is quick with the deadly thrust but slow with the ointment of healing.  The harsh criticism of others and unfair appraisals of those about us may hurt them, but it hurts us more.  The unjust condemnation of others has a boomerang effect.  I hurl my vindictive indictments with the hope of crippling others, but, alas, I discover that I am hurt more than they are.


Do not get caught up in condemnation of others and criticism.  This will just bring more of the same.  We are to return the condemnation and the criticism with love that can only be given with the Holy Spirit.  God sees all and also knows our hearts.  Allow God to deal with their hearts and focus your attention on how you can remain in love.


For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for His name in serving the saints, as you still do.

Hebrews 6:10


Jennifer Van Allen

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