Not Garbage At All

05-21-16 130

Me:  Hello!

Prodigal:  She can’t hear you.  She is deaf.  You can wave to her though.

Me:  Ok, I will.  I just read a story about some deaf people and I would like to share.


This story is from the book The God Who Hung on the Cross by Dois Rosser Jr. and Ellen Vaughn


In a town called Nurabut, there is a church in an area predominately populated by deaf people.  Most of the local population scorns people who cannot hear; in fact, the local term used for them is the same as the word for “garbage.”

The pastor and believers in Nurabut knew that God sees people with disabilities quite differently.  So they learned sign language and began to connect with the hearing-impaired community, building friendships and letting them know of the overwhelming love of Christ.  Gradually the congregation began to grow…and now that little church is overflowing with members who will not hear with their ears this side of heaven, but who will praise the Lord in unforgettable ways.


Christ never sees your faults as you do.  He will go to great lengths to help you feel that you are not alone with what you are struggling with today.  You might not be deaf but you may have a fault that makes you feel like garbage when you are around others.  Don’t believe that Christ sees you like that.  Don’t believe that this minute or this day.  Christ doesn’t want you to stay in that condemnation.


Acts 20:24

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.


Jennifer Van Allen.

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