Me: Watcha doing?
Prodigal: I am watching these street performers. I wonder how hard this job is? Do you think I could be a street performer?
Me: You’d have an easier time chatchin’ wind in a fishin’ net I believe.
Prodigal: Well I guess I will just stick with the writing for now.
Me: I think that is a good plan.
Today I wanted to share a prayer. This is from Daily Guideposts and was written by Charlene Ann Baumbich
Dear Lord, spare Your children from wounding one another when they are already split open with grief from losing someone they love. Keep us from too quickly spouting Bible verses as a form of comfort, rather than simply opening our arms to hold a friend while he or she cries. “They are in heaven now” feels of little consequence–even though it may be the truth–when the giant void of their empty favorite chair fills a room.
God, help us grieve simply with our friends. Embrace them through us and allow us to be Your arms and strong presence. Give us words to pray for them and courage to do it aloud, when Your spirit leads. But spare us from handling our clichés and Scriptures when what is truly required is our genuine heart.
My heart is saddened with your grief and it is ok for you to be sad too.
Luke 6:19
And all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came from him and healed them all.
Jennifer Van Allen