Me: Be careful Prodigal!
Prodigal: Don’t worry I will.
Me: Your friend seems mean that is all.
Prodigal: He talks tough, but he couldn’t smash a grape in a fruit fight.
Me: Ok, I believe you, lets talk about how to stand for the faith.
This book is Beyond Opinion by Ravi Zacharias
When most Christian students hear statements that challenge the credibility of their faith for the first time, they are often caught off guard and left speechless. In fact, it is estimated that up to 51 percent of Christian college freshman will renounce their faith before they graduate from college. They have no clue how to defend the biblical worldview because they were never trained to do so.
I turned my back on Jesus in college. It was never my plan, the world just took me along with it. Don’t let it happen to you. I missed out on a lot when I was away from the Lord and it is only by His grace that he brought me back.
Matthew 7:20
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Jennifer Van Allen