When I Saw the Cross


Me:  Nice ride Prodigal!

Prodigal:  It is my friend’s

Me:  Well your friend doesn’t come to town ridin two to a mule.

Prodigal:  No, they have enough money to spend on some toys.

Me:  Before you go riding I will share a story


This comes from the book Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore


God has been so gracious to us by giving us a beautiful place to live in a 77-acre coffee plantation.

One day, Caleb, our 8 year old son, and three of his friends went exploring through the coffee plants.  When they were ready to come home, they were not sure which way to go.  They decided to go up one of the hills, but they still could not see the house.  Then Caleb had the idea of climbing tress in order to see farther.  After climbing several trees along the way, he yelled out to his friends, “I see the cross!”

In hopes of having a good harvest each year, our landlord had constructed a large white cross on one of the hills near our house because he believed that Mary, Jesus and God would bless his efforts.  So when Caleb saw the cross, he knew which direction to head.  When he retold the story, he commented that when he was up in the tree and saw the cross, he knew that the was home.

What is the compass you use to guide you and your loved one?  What is your home?  Are you sure that the path you are on today will lead you to the eternal home with God?

Jesus said, “And I , if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”  Caleb saw the cross, and it represented home, safety and the right to say, “I once was lost, but now I am found.”

Jeff and Karen, Middle America and the Caribbean


And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

John 12:32


Jennifer Van Allen



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