Me: It is a good day to go to church!
Prodigal: Yes, thank God for the churches we have around America.
Me: That reminds me of one town’s first church.
This is from the book The God Who Hung on the Cross by Dois Rosser Jr. and Ellen Vaughn
In the village where we built one of the first churches, the Hindus had sneered at the Christians for years. “If your God is so great,” they jeered, “why does He not even have a temple?” The Christians had explained that God’s temple dwells in human hearts, but still, they yearned for a physical place to gather as group and demonstrate that spiritual reality.
The day we dedicated that village church, a tattered old man grabbed my arm. Dr. Joshua translated as he spoke: “I prayed for twenty years,” he said, his dark face split by a huge grin. “I prayed that a church would come to our village. It would take a miracle for that to happen. And now here it is!”
Don’t stop praying, even if it takes 20 years! An answered prayer from God is always worth waiting for.
Philippians 2:3
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
Jennifer Van Allen