No Room

Me:  That church has been here for awhile.

Prodigal:  I am sure it has a lot of history.

Me:  I reckon it does.

Reader, what have you done since this church opened to make it a benefit to mankind?  We trust your entire duty to this mission.  This church extended a helping hand to the poor people outside of this church.  Do you allow the poor to enter this church with the same welcome as those in costly robes?

AUTHOR UNKNOWN, January 20,1889

(penciled on a rafter in the attic of Trinity United Methodist Church, Denver, CO)

Who wrote that?  We do not know but even so it says a lot in just a couple of sentences.  What have you done?  And do you allow?  Was this a reminder to himself?  Was this someone who saw how the church could quickly get off course?  Was it both.  Was this because of something that happened or did the Holy Spirit encourage the writing?  If someone was to read your writing 120 years from now, what would you say?

Reader, what have you done to continue to live out Jesus love to mankind?  We trust your entire duty to this mission.  This church extended love and a helping hand to others outside the church.  Do you allow love to enter this church even, with the poor, the rich, the needy, the desperate, the unlovable?

Psalm 146:7

Which executeth judgment for the oppressed; which giveth food to the hungry.   The Lord looseth the prisoners:

Jennifer Van Allen

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