Serving the Lord

Me:  I can see that you are in Tampa.

Prodigal:  Yes, I am enjoying the time here.

Me:  Let me share with you about another village.


Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yahanna


One such village was Bhundi in Rajasthan.  This was the first place I was beaten and stoned for preaching the Gospel.  Often literature was destroyed.  It seemed that mobs always were on the watch for us, and six times our street meetings were broken up.  Our team leaders began to work elsewhere, avoiding Bhundi as much as possible.  Three years later, a new team of national missionaries moved into the area under different leadership and preached again at this busy crossroads town.

Almost as soon as they arrived, one man began tearing up literature and grabbed a 19-year old missionary, Samuel, by the throat.  Although beaten severely, Samuel knelt in the street and prayed for the salvation of souls in that hateful city.

“Lord,” he prayed, “I want to come back here and serve You in Bhundi.  “I’m willing to die here, but I want to come back and serve You in this place.”

Many older Christian leaders advised him against his decision, but being determined, Samuel went back and rented a small room.  Shipments  of literature arrived, and he preached in the face of many difficulties.  Today more than 100 people meet in a small church there.  Those who persecuted us at one time now worship the Lord Jesus, as was the case with the apostle Paul.


Acts 26:18

To open their eyes, and to turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.


Jennifer Van Allen

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