Unseen and Eternal

Me:  Are you having a good day?

Prodigal:  Yes, and I have been waiting to hear from you.

Me:  Well, here I am and I will share.


This is from the book Rx for Worry A Thankful Heart by James P. Gills, M.D.

There’s not question that our greatest fulfillment and peace is to be found in the unseen and the eternal.  Yet it’s very difficult to sustain deep faith and trust.  So often we sacrifice the unseen and the eternal for the very temporary and relatively worthless activities of the present.  Maintaining deep faith violates our normal, human way of thinking–of wanting to be independent and self-sufficient, desiring to take care of ourselves.  Faith in God is faith in the supernatural—God’s power beyond the natural world.  This is not a mental trick or gimmick.  We may not understand because it’s mystical.  But we know, full of faith, that He helps us because He knows us.  After all, He’s the one who made us.


Yes, our focus right now is on the unseen and we are to use our faith and not to fear.  God will not lose and he always keeps His promises.


Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.


Jennifer Van Allen



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