A Special Night


Me:  What are you building?

Prodigal:  I am helping to build a barn.

Me:  Be careful, while you work.


This is from the book  Psalm 91 by Peggy Ruth and Angelia Schum


Some of the men were helping Jack to build a coffeehouse for the college students.  It was a special night, because we were hosting a champion power lifter who would give his testimony that night at an outdoor crusade in front of the coffeehouse.  He was known for being able to lift a car, and it was drawing the publicity.  While the men were all working with Jack to finish everything for the event, there was an explosion that sounded like a bomb had detonated.

Fire began flying out the top of the electric power pole, and steam came pouring out of the ground where they had dug a hole to pour cement.

Two of the men were standing in water left from rain the night before and were holding a metal stake in place while another man accidentally drove it into the main electric power line carrying seventy-two hundred volts of electricity.  Can you even imagine how much electrical power that is?  It knocked all the electricity off for blocks around, yet neither man was hurt.  Just that morning, Jack had prayed a Psalm 91 shield of protection over the workers.


If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.

2 Timothy 2:13


Jennifer Van Allen




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