Prodigal: Now this guy looks like a leader!
Me: Maybe you should not judge by how they look.
Prodigal: How else can I tell?
Me: Maybe this will help.
This is from Spiritual Leadership by J.Oswald Sanders
Adding leadership potential to our lives usually requires that we shake off negative elements that hold us back. If we are overly sensitive when criticized and rush to defend ourselves, that must go. If we make excuses for failure and try to blame others or circumstances, that must go. If we are intolerant or inflexible, so that creative people around us feel hemmed in, that must go.
If we are disturbed by anything short of perfection in ourselves and others, that must go. The perfectionists sets goals beyond his reach, then sinks into false guilt then he falls short. Our world is imperfect, and we cannot expect the impossible. Setting modest, realistic goals will help a perfectionist move through a problem without discouragement.
If you cannot keep a secret, do not try to lead. If you cannot yield a point when someone else’s ideas are better, save yourself frustration of failed leadership. If you want to maintain an image of infallibility, find something else to do besides leading people.
2 Corinthians 11:28
Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.
Jennifer Van Allen