Prodigal: I just finished repairing the door.
Me: You still got a few more holes in your fence.
Prodigal: Guess I can’t rest yet.
In time of suffering, then, pursue your course “looking unto Jesus,” the perfect Example of patience; and in the presence of Gethsemane and Calvary your sufferings will appear slight, and the calm face of the supreme Sufferer will impart patience and power unto you. In seasons of despondency, when faith is weak and your spirit sinks within you, look unto Jesus, and the trust which he exercised and the destiny he attained, and let the bright example brace your heart with courage. In times of exhaustion and weariness, when you faint because of the duties and difficulties of the way, look up to Jesus and his example will raise and strengthen your powerless hands and nerve your whole frame with new energy. And in seasons of temptation look unto him who “resisted unto blood, striving against sin,” and yield not in the conflict, give no place to the tempter. Let this be our attitude, “looking unto Jesus.” Let the eye of the soul be fixed upon his as our Pattern and Helper; so shall we finish our course with joy, and “recieve the crown of glory that fadeth not away.”
W. Jones
1 Corinthians 16:13
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
Jennifer Van Allen