
Me:  I am trying to get everybody to look at me at the same time.

Prodigal:  These are kids and you are pitchin’ straws in the wind.

Me:  You can’t blame me for trying.

This is from the book The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

It is woven of the fine threads of the self-life, the hyphenated sins of the human spirit.  They are not something we do, they are something we are, and therein lies both their subtlety and their power.  To be specific, the self-confidence, self-sufficiency, self-admiration, self-love and a host of others like them.  They dwell too deep within us and are too a host of others like them.  The grosser manifestations of these sins, egotism, exhibitionism,  self-promotion, are strangely tolerated in Christian leaders even in circles of impeccable orthodoxy.  They are so much in evidence as actually, for many people, to become identified with the gospel.  I trust it is not a cynical observation to say that they appear these days to be a requisite for popularity in some sections of the Church visible.  Promoting self under the guise of promoting Christ is currently so common as to excite little notice.

Remember your number one job is to promote Christ and allow God to deal with those that are promoting themselves.

Proverbs 15:16

Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith.

Jennifer Van Allen

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