Life is Like That

Prodigal: How do I look?

Me:  That mustache is making you look like someone who is slicker than a boiled onion.

Prodigal:  Maybe I should do without.

This is from the book With Christ in the Garden by Lynn James Radcliffe

Life is like that.  We wouldn’t choose the hard pathway, but when we have been through it, we find that we have been disciplined and refined and strengthened.  If we can look into the cup of present suffering with the determination to wrestle from it something glorious and enduring, we have begun to learn how to follow humbly but sincerely along the path which Jesus trod in the Garden.  None of us will ever perfectly answer the question “Why?”  but instinctively every one of us knows the way in which we can answer the question “How?”  We do not know fully why we suffer, but we do know how we should meet pain when it comes.  Courageous fortitude is the only attitude worthy of  a Christian and a man.



They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness

Jennifer Van Allen

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