Things Spiritual


Me:  What a view!

Prodigal:  I know, I am looking out on what God created with just His words!

Me:  It is good to reflect on the Lord and His ways.


This is from Powhatten James


The man of God must have insight into things spiritual.  He must be able to see the mountains filled with the horses and chariots of fire; he must be able to interpret that which is written by the finger of God upon the walls of conscience; he must be able to translate the signs of the times into terms of their spiritual meaning; he must be able to draw aside, now and then, the curtain of things material and let mortals glimpse the spiritual glories which crown the mercy seat of God.  The man of God must declare the pattern that was shown him on the mount; he must utter the vision granted to him upon the isle of revelation….None of these things can he do without spiritual insight.


The things that are in the spirit right now are all around us.  The negative comments are not of God and they will not affect your ministry.  It is just a sign that Satan is upset with all that you are doing.  These attacks are nothing in the spiritual realm.  You will see how they will fizzle out.  You will also understand how God is with you and the focus must be on the fact that You are just a servant of Christ.  You are a servant whether people are positive about you are whether they are negative about you.  Remember God’s kingdom cannot be brought down.


It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

Acts 1:7


Jennifer Van Allen

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