Me: We do not know what will happen by the end of the week.
Prodigal: That is true, are you worried?
Me: No, for I know who holds today and tomorrow and the time to the end of ages.
This is from the book Called to be Saints: by Christina Rossetti
How beautiful are the arms, which have embraced Christ–there eyes which have gazed upon Christ, the lips which have spoken with Christ, the feet which have followed Christ. How beautiful are the hands which have worked the works of Christ, the feet which are treading in His footsteps have gone about doing good, the lips which have spread abroad His Name, the lives which have been counted for Him.
They were very ordinary people in Jerusalem. Their jobs were those of tending sheep, washing clothes, making cheese. Some made clothes and others tended to the fig trees. They were with Christ, they believed in Christ and many were poor and unknown. We look back and can see how blessed they were for that experience, because we have the new testament to read and study. They just had Him. You are not ordinary even though your name is not known. You are a follower of Jesus and have the Holy Spirit within you. Everyday activities can be transformed into amazing works with God, with the Spirit. Imagine what the Lord will think of us engaging with Him in these works.
But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
Micah 4:1
Jennifer Van Allen