Me: It is a day that starts out with the Lord, we are uncertain of what it will bring.
Prodigal: How do you deal with that?
Me: We know and trust in Christ the Savior.
This is from the book In the Middle of the Mess: Strength for this Beautiful Broken Life by Sheila Walsh
If we are still on this earth, then the work is not finished. God has committed to work with us in that journey until Christ returns. How I wish for a greater understanding of this in the body of Christ.
Too often we judge, measure, condemn, and isolate. The gospel of Jesus Christ invites us to sit together in our rags under the wide open sky of grace. Does that mean it doesn’t matter how we live? No. What I mean is that condemnation and isolation are the tools of the enemy. The Holy Spirit brings conviction, which draws us closer to Christ. Condemnation pushes us back into the darkness.
Do not fall into the enemy’s lies of condemnation and isolation. Look to the Lord and grace will be given.
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
1 Corinthians 3:6-7
Jennifer Van Allen