I’m Telling You the Truth

Prodigal:  Are you going tonight?

Me:  We done plowed this furrow clean down to the bedrock, and it’s time to rest the mule.  I can’t make it tonight.

Prodigal:  Then tell me about something you just read.

Me:  I can do that!

This is from the book Drawing Near by John Bevere

Jesus says it is better for them that He goes away.  Now you can understand why He had to preface this statement with, “Guys, I’m telling you the truth.”  In the time He had been with them He had taught them the most profound things of the kingdom anyone had ever heard.  He healed their sick, raised their dead, cast out tormenting spirits, paid their bills and taxes, and this was only the beginning.  Yet now He is saying it is best for you that I leave!  Why?  His answer is if He left He would send us the Helper.

Think of it, if Jesus remained on earth and we wanted to fellowship or ask Him questions, we would have to catch a plane to Tel Aviv, rent a car, drive out to the countryside of Galilee, and then find Him.  This wouldn’t be too difficult because there would be thousands around Him.  However, you would have to wait for all the thousands who were there before you to leave, before you could make your way to the middle where He was.  

However, the beauty of the Holy Spirit residing inside of us is that He doesn’t have to sleep.  You can speak with Him any time of the day or night, and don’t have to wait for others to finish.  You have His complete and undivided attention at all times.

What a gift the Lord has given us!  We need help, so why don’t we pray?  The Lord will direct us when we are alone, and quiet with Him.  He may only give us the next step, but that is all we need right now.

All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full;  unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.

Ecclesiastes 1:7

Jennifer Van Allen



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