Me: Prodigal, that was a beautiful prayer.
Prodigal: Praise God!
Me: Let me add a prayer.
This is from the book Out Live Your Life by Max Lucado
My blessed Savior and Lord, I praise you for freely giving me the Bread of Life. You replaced my darkness with your light, my fear with your security, and my despair with your hope. Remind me every day, Father, that the Bread of life I have in Jesus comes to me by your grace and through your love–and that it delights your generous heart when I tell others where they can find and partake. Make me into an eager ambassador of Jesus Christ. Turn my fear into boldness so that heaven’s streets may be filled with men and women who love the Savior, in part because they first heard of his grace and mercy from my lips. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:4
Jennifer Van Allen
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