Prodigal: This is the perfect spot.
Me: Yes, it is. We should spend some time thanking God.
This is from the book Bold Love by Dr. Dan B. Allender & Dr. Tremper Longman III
When the question of failure to love is raised, it should be heard as the whisper of a friend, not the accusation of an enemy, because our failures can be the delicious entry into a new comprehension of God’s grace. Unfortunately, we are often so committed to seeing our involvement with others as innocent and our presumption of goodness untarnished that we retreat from facing our own lovelessness. It seems inconceivable to most of us that relief can be found in facing our failure. In seeing what is in our heart, we might be further compelled to flee from our presumption of self-sufficiency and embrace the hope of relationships built on God’s initiative and not on our performance. However, this kind of dependence requires a broken heart that has given up the demands of pride. Many are simply not ready for such loss of face.
Remember no pride and no hurt can be in the conversation. Only a spirit of peace and love that the Lord gives you can help you address what you need to address. Say what the Lord directs and no more. Leave the outcome of their heart with the Lord.
But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living.
Job 28:12-13
Jennifer Van Allen