
Prodigal:  I really do not want to go.

Me:  We all feel like that sometimes.

Prodigal:  I think God wants me to go.

Me:  Then you have a choice.

This is from the book Bold Love by Dr. Dan B. Allender & Dr. Tremper Longman III

The Apostle Paul does the same kind of paint job in the first three chapters of the book of Romans.  Paul builds his case from the premise that we are all excuse makers.  We believe that if our hearts were known, we would be found innocent.  It seems so reasonable.  Our thoughts run along this course, “If you only understood the unbelievable tough decisions I am called to make every day, you would not hold me accountable to make any more.  Indeed, if you truly understood how hard I’ve labored to make any godly and honoring decision, you would get off my back.  Even more, if you only understood how much I’ve been hurt, neglected, and abused, you would know that God requires little (or next to nothing) from me.”

God has promised to give you His strength.  Don’t make excuses.  Just love like you are suppose to do.  Just believe that God knows what He is doing!

For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee.

Luke 4:10

Jennifer Van Allen



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