Whatever God Promises, Believe

Prodigal:  I knew we would see a manatee today!

Me:  You just have to believe!

This is from the book Abraham by Chuck Swindoll

Someone put it this way:  “Never doubt in the dark what God gave you in the light.”  During the great days of your life, when God speaks through His Word, remember His promises.  Rest in them, apply them, and expect their fulfillment.  His promises are given for you to believe, not merely to quote.  So?  Believe them!  Quit quibbling over them.  Stop overanalyzing them.  Believe them, which means you accept them, and then act upon them.

Lord I need your help right now.   I am having a lot of doubts and fear is creeping in.  I just talked with a person.  You know how you talk to some people and you feel much worse after talking to them.  My fears have now increased.  Then you gave me these words.  You knew what I needed.  You would think the fear would leave immediately.  Today for some reason I want to hold on to them more.  Help me to let go.  Help me to BELIEVE.

Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number:  he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

Isaiah 40:26

Jennifer Van Allen



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