Prodigal: It looks like the clouds are rolling in.
Me: Yes, but I think it will be a short shower.
Prodigal: I hope so.
Me: God will be with us.
This is from the book Psalm 91 by Peggy Ruth and Angelia Schum
Late one night, soon after building our new home in the country, our family was faced with a severe weather alert. The local radio station warned that a tornado had been sighted just south of the country club–the exact location of our property. We could see several of the React Club vehicles parked on the road below our hill as the members watched the funnel cloud that seemed to be headed straight for our house.
I had never seen such a strange, eerie color in the night sky or experienced such a deafening silence in the atmosphere. You could actually feel the hair on your body stand on end. Some of our son’s friend’s were visiting, and to their surprise, Jack quickly ordered our family to get outside with our Bibles (even though we were in our pajamas) and start circling the house- quoting Psalm 91 and taking authority over the storm. Jack had our children out speaking directly to the storm, just as Jesus did.
The eerie silence suddenly turned into a roar, with torrents of rain coming down in what seemed like bucketfuls. Finally Jack had a peace the danger had passed, even though by sight nothing had changed.
We walked back into the house just in time to hear the on-location reporter call the radio announcer and exclaim over the air, with so much excitement he was almost shouting, “This is nothing short of a miracle –the funnel cloud south of the Brownwood Country Club has suddenly lifted up and vanished into the clouds.”
You should have seen those kids jumping and hollering. It was the first time my son’s friends had observed the supernatural at work.
James 2:12
So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.
Jennifer Van Allen