Entering a War

Prodigal: How do we continue with the story of Christmas.

Me: Jesus was about love, so we love.

Prodigal: That can be tough with certain people.

Me: Yes it can be, but we can still love.

This is from the book Bold Love by Dr. Dan Allender & Dr. Tremper Longman III

Before entering a war, we need to enter the heavenly realm, asking for help. We are to pray to the Father to act on behalf of our enemies; we are to pray for God to work in our enemies’ lives, to restrain evil, to deepen consciousness of harm, to destroy their arrogance so that life and grace might flourish. We are equally to pray for wisdom and all that blocks the development of wisdom in our life. Wisdom must be developed to learn how to apply truth to the different situations and people we encounter.

The devil is looking to cause divisiveness among us. He would like to cause problems with races, ages, denominations, appearance, financial, even spiritual maturity. He wants you to look at others as an enemy so you do not focus on Satan being the real enemy. Because if Satan is the real enemy then with prayer and the Lord’s will that person may turn into a friend. That is difficult to understand and accept sometimes because of our feelings. You were once an enemy of God though…and now you are found. Others prayed for you when you were an enemy of God, you can do the same.

Mark 12:30-31

And you shall love the Lord your God will all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

Jennifer Van Allen



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