Prodigal: This is a good book.
Me: We always share about books, but this is an amazing book!
Prodigal: Yes, it is.
This is from another book Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard J. Foster
The grace of God is unearned and unearnable, but if we ever expect to grow in grace, we must pay the price of a consciously chosen course of action which involves both individual and group life. Spiritual growth is the purpose of the Disciplines.
It might be helpful to visualize what we have been discussing. Picture a long, narrow ridge with a sheer drop-off on either side. The chasm to the right is the way of moral bankruptcy through human strivings for righteousness. Historically this has been called the heresy of moralism. The chasm to the left is moral bankruptcy through the absence of human strivings. This has been called the heresy of antinomianism. On the ridge there is a path, the Disciplines of the spiritual life. This path leads to the inner transformation and healing for which we seek. We must never veer off to the right or the left, but say on the path. The path is fraught with severe difficulties, but also with incredible joys. As we travel on this path, the blessing of God will come upon us and reconstruct us into the image of Jesus Christ. We must always remember that the path does not produce the change; it only places us where the change can occur. This is the path of disciplined grace.
It was another night and I was quickly looking for food when a surprise showed up. The surprise had me lose my appetite and forget the urgency that food was needed. It was not something that was major. Most people would not have noticed, but my spirit and emotions did notice. It had to do with a specific prayer I had prayed last night about something that God seemed to be holding from me. Then the next day I saw it in front of me.
I was a jumble of emotions and a little confused. I was unsure of what this all meant. I did not panic and I did not change my direction. I did make sure that I spoke to a close friend and then the next morning it was nothing but God and me. It forced me to ask a couple more questions.
Now I did not get the complete answer. What I got was what my spirit needed. That God has a plan, He is working in out. That I cannot even try to figure out all the details because I do not have all the information and all the social networking and internet available will not give me the information that is needed.
So I am left with that God loves me so much, and He is allowing me to see that something is happening. Do not focus on negative. Instead focus on His love. Do not focus on timing, instead focus on time with Him.
Lord your answer always brings that peace and I thank you for keeping me on the path and allowing me to grow again in your love.
Ecclesiastes 7:8
Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
Jennifer Van Allen