Living With Terminal Illness

Me: Sometimes life throws us a curve ball.

Prodigal: Yes, and we have to struggle to catch up with it.

Me: Maybe this can help.

This is Orville Kelly’s Ten Suggestions to Help Live With a Terminal Illness

  1. Talk about the illness. If it is cancer, call it cancer. You can’t make life normal again by trying to hide what is wrong.
  2. Accept death as a part of life. It is.
  3. Consider each day as another day of life, a gift from God to be enjoyed as fully as possible.
  4. Realize that life is never going to be perfect. It wasn’t before and it won’t be now.
  5. Pray. It isn’t a sign of weakness; it is your strength.
  6. Learn to live with your illness instead of considering yourself dying from it. We are all dying in some manner.
  7. Put your friends and relatives at ease yourself. If you don’t want pity, don’t ask for it.
  8. Make all practical arrangements for funerals, wills, etc. and make certain your family understands them.
  9. Set new goals; realize your limitations. Sometimes the simple things of life become the most enjoyable.
  10. Discuss your problems with your family as they occur, Include the children if possible. After all, your problem is not an individual one.

James 5:13-14

Go to now, ye that say, Today or to-morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

Jennifer Van Allen

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