Prodigal: I wonder how we are going to finish.
Me: We seek the Lord who will give us the decisions that we need.
Prodigal: Then what?
Me: We take action.
This is from the book Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
When all the facts are in, swift and clear decision is the mark of a true leader. A visionary may see, but a leader must decide. An impulsive person may be quick to declare a preference; but a leader must weigh evidence and make his decision on sound premises.
Once sure of the will of God, a spiritual leader springs into action, without regard to consequences. Pursuing the goal, the leader never looks back or calculates escape strategies if plans turn sour. Nor does a true leader cast blame for failure on subordinates.
James 5:16
But now ye rejoice in your pride: all such rejoicing is evil.
Jennifer Van Allen