Me: What a blessing to live where you do.
Prodigal: Yes, Do not take for granted what you have.
This is from the book The Applause of Heaven by Max Lucado
“We have prayed for healing. God has not given it. But he has blessed us.” Glyn spoke slowly. Partly because of her conviction. Partly because of her disease. Her husband, Don, sat in the chair next to her. The three of us had come together to plan a funeral–hers. And now, with that task done, with the hymns selected and the direction given, Glyn spoke.
“He has given us strength and we did not know.
He gave it when we needed it and not before.” Her words slurred, but clear. Her eyes moist, but confident.
I wondered what it would be like to have my life taken from my at age forty-five. I wondered what it would be like to say good-bye to my children and spouse. I wondered what it would be like to be a witness to my own death.
“God has given us peace in our pain. He covers us all the time. Even when we are out of control, he is still there.”
It had been a year since Glyn and Don had learned of Glyn’s condition–amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease). The cause and the cure remain a mystery. But the result doesn’t. Muscle strength and mobility steadily deteriorate, leaving only the mind and the faith.
And it was coming together of Glyn’s mind and faith that caused me to realize I was doing more than planning a funeral. I was beholding holy jewels she had quarried out of the mine of despair.
“We can use any tragedy as a stumbling block or a stepping stone….
“I hope this will not cause my family to be bitter. I hope I can be an example that God is wanting to trust in the good times and the bad. For if we don’t trust when times or tough, we don’t trust at all.”
Don held her hand. He wiped her tears. He wiped his own.
“Who are these two?” I asked myself as I watched him touch a tissue to her cheek. “Who are these, who, on the edge of life’s river, can look across with such faith?”
The moment was solemn and sweet. I said little. One is not bold in the presence of the sacred.
Psalms 50:14-15
Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
Jennifer Van Allen