Prodigal: I am plum tired after that walk.
Me: We can take a break then.
This is from the book When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado
I was mulling over a recent conversation I had with a disenchanted Christian brother. He was upset with me. So upset that he was considering rescinding his invitation for me to speak to his group. Seems he’d heard I was pretty open about who I have fellowship with. He’d read the words I wrote: “If God calls a person his child, shouldn’t I call him my brother?” And, “If God accepts others with their errors and misinterpretations, shouldn’t we?”
He didn’t like that. “Carrying it a bit too far,” he told me. “Fences are necessary,” he explained. “Scriptures are clear on such matters.” He read me a few and then urged me to be careful to whom I give grace. “I don’t give it”, I assured. “I only spotlight where God already has.”
Didn’t seem to satisfy him. I offered to bow out of the engagement (the break would be nice), but he softened and told me to come after all. That’s where I am going today.
I hope to see him today. If the subject resurfaces, I’ll say it. But in case it doesn’t, I’ll say it to you. Just one sentence:
I’ve never been surprised by God’s judgement, but I’m still stunned by his grace.
We have all been given grace when we did not deserve it. You can remember. It really was not that long ago you needed grace in a major way, or things would not be as they are today. Now maybe grace needs to be given to others. There are plenty of people to give judgement, but who can step up to give grace?
Romans 8:26
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
Jennifer Van Allen