On Our Knees

Me: You have a climb to make.

Prodigal: Yes, and I am not going to do it alone!

This is from the book God Will Make A Way: Stories of Hope

A young mountain climber was making his first climb in the Swiss Alps, accompanied by two stalwart and experienced guides. The young man was well-prepared for the climb physically, and although the ascent was steep and hazardous, he felt secure with one guide ahead of him and the other following.

For hours they climbed. Breathless and weary, they finally reached the rocks protruding through the snow at the summit. The guide leading the way stepped aside for the last few yards of the ascent so that the young mountain climber might have his first glimpse of the view–a wonderful panorama of snow capped peaks and the bright, cloudless sky.

Clamoring up the rocks, the young man leaped to the top. The guide quickly grapped hold of him and pulled him down. The young man had no way of knowing that fierce gales often blew across the summit rocks, winds, strong enough to push him off balance. The guide quickly informed him of the dangers, saying, “On your knees, sir! You are never safe here except on your knees!”

How true for us!

The safest and most secure place we can find on this earth in the Lord when we are on our knees before Him. There is no room for pride, for there is nothing about the glory of God that we can earn or for which we can take credit. To glorify God is to exalt Him without any other thought in our mind or motive in our heart other than pleasing Him with our praise and worship. He becomes our everything, and the very atmosphere we breathe is God’s presence.

Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. Psalm 95:6-7

Jennifer Van Allen



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