Man’s Redemption

Prodigal: Sometimes the day is good and sometime the day is way too busy.

Me: Yes, and we need help when we are overwhelmed.

This is from the book Vocabulary of Faith by Hampton Adams

Man’s redemption cannot come from what man can do for God but by way of what man, though faith in Jesus Christ, will allow God to do to him.

Right now in this moment you cannot understand all that God would like to do for you. There has been hurt and mistrust from people in your family. There has been suffering because they have been hurt and with out realizing it have hurt you. God wants healing to take place. He does not want you withdrawing so that you try to avoid the emotions and hurts. He wants to expose them so that He can heal them. The Lord Jesus is a good, good Father and He wants to show you what that means.

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.


Jennifer Van Allen

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