The Enemies of God

Prodigal: I am wore out!

Me: Rest while I share about Jesus.

This is from the book The Greatest Life Of All: Jesus by Charles Swindoll

When we presume to know the right course of action, we believe we are as smart or as able as God. When we panic, we instinctively turn to our own internal resources because we doubt Him. And when we feel adequate for a task, our belief in self has diminished our view of the Almighty.

On the other hand, if we see God as He is–omnipotent, unfailingly good, and interested in us-we will not hesitate to take every matter to Him, no matter how trifling. And the degree to which we have entered God’s rest can be measured by the shrinking size of the issues we release into His capable hands.

This was God’s timing. So knowing it is God’s timing you can rest. We live knowing that we cannot see the whole picture, but God will allow us to see some of what is taking place. God’s timing is always important and we know we can rely on that as a way to encourage us today.

And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of the flood; neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth.

GENESIS 9 : 11

Jennifer Van Allen

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