Prodigal: Christmas this year, felt right as rain!
Me: Yes, we have to understand what Christmas is.
This is from the book The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey
It is almost beyond my comprehension too, and yet I accept that this notion is the key to understanding Christmas and is, in fact, the touchstone of my faith. As a Christian I believe that we live in parallel worlds. One world consists of hills and lakes and barns and politicians and shepherds watching their flocks by night. The other consists of angels and sinister forces and somewhere out there places called heaven and hell. One night in the cold, in the dark, among the wrinkled hills of Bethlehem, those two worlds came together at a dramatic point of intersection. God, who knows no before or after, entered time and space. God, who knows no boundaries took on the shocking confines of a baby’s skin, the ominous restraints of mortality.
Thank you for that Gift!
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
Matthew 5:6
Jennifer Van Allen
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