Prodigal: I wonder if they knew Jesus.
Me: I hope she did, we have a choice today to find out who Jesus is.
This is from the book Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore
“Show me Your handiwork,” I had prayed moments before. My heart danced at the thought of walking alongside God Almighty, anticipating the wonders of His handiwork. I expected Him to show me faces. I would look into the eyes of each person, seeing them as He sees them. I’d see how special they are and be inspired to pray for these magnificent displays fo His handiwork.
And that’s when I saw it. The dingy bus lumbered past me from where I stood on the sidewalk. Not a seat was left unfilled, and the eyes of each prisoner seemed to gaze vacantly at me through the windows. These were the faces of those condemned. Their guilt was indisputable and their sentences issues–punishment by death.
On that bus rumbling away was God’s handiwork. Each passenger was lovingly knit together by His hands. Did they even know where they were headed? They seemed to simply resign themselves to the journey ahead. They didn’t know that they had a choice. They didn’t know that there is One who wants to free them. If only they’d call on His name….
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? (Roman. 10:14).
It was the first time I’d seen them, but now I know they are all around me. How is it that I hadn’t noticed them before? Maybe I had never taken the time to look.
–A worker in Central and Eastern Europe
Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal lie and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.
John 5:24
Jennifer Van Allen