What Did Jesus Warn Us About

Me: That would give off an interesting warning shot?

Prodigal: I am sure people would notice.

Me: Maybe people will listen to this warning.

As we read the gospels, we begin to recognize, Jesus said so much. Jesus did so much.   

Jesus does love us all, and died for us all.  We all have the ability to receive salvation from Jesus.  He did more than just give us salvation.  Jesus guided us with wisdom in daily living.  Studying the book of Luke, we can examine some of the wisdom that these verses impart to us. 

Jesus took one look into the hearts of those around Him, as He was here on this earth.  His response after looking into their hearts, was that they received a tenacious warning.  One that those around will not likely forget in a couple of hours. 

This warning comes in Luke 20: 45-47 (NIV) 

While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, “Beware of the teachers of the law.  They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.  They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers.  These men will be punished most severely.” 

This is at the end of Luke 20 after some people tried to catch Jesus saying something wrong when they asked about taxes to Caesar.  We read this, and it is not about the murders in prison, the thieves on the street, or the fraudulent black-market crooks.  This was about the religious leaders.   

It would be equivalent to a visitor going up to your church and saying “You know that elder that sits up front, and says those long prayers.  Yeah you know the one I’m talking about; I’m going to punish him most severely.” 

A lot of us have an imagine in our mind that deceitfulness, evil, corrupt, crookedness will show up on the outside of people.  We think that some haircut, skin color, tattoo or jewelry will somehow aid us in identifying these people.  If we have somehow managed to move beyond those prejudices, we think someone’s job title, and finances will surely determine the sincerity of their heart. 

Jesus who knew everyone’s heart gave us a warning.  Who did He warn us about?  He warned us about the religious teachers. 

Before we send a social media, post blasting a religious teacher, I think we first have to examine ourselves.  Could this be a warning for us also? 

As we look to help others in Jesus name, the recognition, and honor can easily be taken from Jesus, and turned to our own name.  It doesn’t happen overnight.  We attempt to give back, and honor the Lord.  We are giving in the church, and outside the church.  Success is voiced by others in the actions we are involved in.  Little by little we think it is us independent of God creating the success.  We forget that God’s hand has given us everything.  We begin to go to church, and our actions are focused on how to accomplish our task. We forget to seek God for direction, and we take over.  It is now about our plan.   

We have all felt that temptation to the flesh.  Some have started to live that temptation in the flesh.  The Lord sends warnings first, and wants all to come to the repentance.   

Now is a time of repentance. May the warning Jesus spoke of turn our hearts, and spirits to Him, and may we not ignore His truth.  After all who really knows our hearts better than Jesus? 

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Jennifer Van Allen



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