
05-28-15 015


Me:  Howdy Prodigal!  It looks like you are enjoying some of the Mangroves that grow in this area.


Prodigal:  They are sturdy and strong and great to climb and explore.


Me:  There is another type of tree called the Sequoia and they are the tallest trees in America.  I can give you some information about them that was found in the book Fireproof Your Life by Michael Catt.


Within the bark of the sequoia is a substance called tannin, which acts as a natural fire retardant to neutralize the burning embers that embed themselves in the tree–like the shield of faith that quenches the fiery darts of the enemy.  A sequoia can live through many fires, but afterward the tree can smolder for six to twelve months.

When a fire sweeps along the mountainside, the giant sequoias take their stand.  The fire attacks the base of the tree, but due to its incredible height the crown of the tree remains above the flames and is merely singed by the heat.  Other less hearty trees are destroyed by the raging flames, but the sequoia withstands its trial by fire with multiple layers of bark.

The sequoia can represent times that our faith is tested.  The fires will come as trials upon our lives.  They are hot, intense and we see how the fire destroys things around us.  God made us like the sequoia though.  We are made to withstand the fire.  God has given us his spirit within us to help with the test.

See that fire will come and it will leave a mark.  We have really two options.  The mark that is left, will show how the fire destroyed us along the way and we seem dead spiritually for the rest of our walk.  The other option is that the fire comes and we rely on the our spiritual substance, that God has given us.  We know that God has equipped us and that someway and somehow we are going to make it through the fire.  We may have a few burn marks but they will represent how God faithfulness is to not allow us to fall during the intensity and heat of the fire.

Look closely at me,  I have a couple of marks and they are a reminder of God’s faithfulness to me.  I think I am just going to rest in that right now.


1 Peter 1:7

So that the tested genuineness of your faith-more precious than gold that perished though it is tested by fire-may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.


Jennifer Van Allen



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