Weaker In The Word

Prodigal: I love these crosses.

Me: Yes, there is something about the cross that reminds you of love.

Prodigal: The greatest of all love.

This is from the book Imaginations: More Than You Think by James P. Gills

As I studied the newspaper more and the Bible less, I became weaker in the Word. When we are weak in the Word, our thoughts are open to the assaults of the world–the temptations and lures of sin. And because our thoughts run our life, unless we constantly guard them, we become vulnerable to the powers of sin. Sin robs us of the blessing of God, leading us to poverty of spirit, soul, and body.

Psalm 1:2

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Jennifer Van Allen



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