Priority of Our Commitments

Me: You brought cookies!

Prodigal: Of course I did.

Me: A get together with no dessert is as scare as grass ’round a hog trough.

Prodigal: Amen.

This is from the book Joseph: A Man of Integrity and Forgiveness by Charles Swindoll

Behind changes, I repeat, must be a solid foundation. The first and highest priority must be our commitment to sound biblical truth and principles. When we fudge on truth or principles, we don’t even start to succeed. Rather, a subtle erosion occurs and we begin to lose. If our plan requires deception, if it means lying, if it calls for mistreatment of others, or if, in any way, it requires us to soften our theology, it’s spurious. My advice? Dump it now, not later.

God uses love, patience, self control and truth. You will be surprised at how much all that can accomplish.

Genesis 45:14-15

Then he fell on his brother Benjamin’s neck and wept; and Benjamin wept on his neck. And he kissed all his brothers and wept on them, and afterward his brothers talked with him.

Jennifer Van Allen

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