Faith Is Illustrated

Prodigal: Look what I bought.

Me: You might as well keep your money near an open window on a windy day.

Prodigal: Maybe something will come out of my investment.

Me: Time will tell.

This is from the book All of Grace by C.H. Spurgeon

Almost all that you and I know has come to us by faith. A scientific discovery has been made, and we are sure of it. On what grounds do we believe it? On the authority of certain well-known men of learning whose reputations are established. We have never made or seen their experiments, but we believe their witness. You must do the same with regard to Jesus. Because He teaches you certain truths, you are to be His disciples and believe His words. Because He has performed certain acts, you are to be His clients and trust yourselves with Him. He is infinitely superior to you and presents Himself to you as your Master and Lord. If you will receive Him and His words, you will be saved.

When we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6

Jennifer Van Allen

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