Arrangements of Life

Prodigal: Yummy!

Me: That arrangement sure looks good!

Prodigal: I bet it taste better.

This is from the book Joseph: A Man of Integrity and Forgiveness by Charles Swindoll

In His great arrangement of life, He does not discount man’s sin; He deals with it. He deals with the hard questions of life. Not questions like how do I make a living, but how do I make a life? Not how do I spend my time, but how do I spend eternity? And not so much how do I get along with the person who sits next to me, but ultimately, how do I get along with God? When we answer the hard questions correctly, all the others fall into place.

May we be models of diligence, honesty, compassion, creativity. May our work be an extension of our integrity. And may each one of us who names the name of Christ as our Lord be a positive influence on those around us and a faithful representative and ambassador for Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.

Then he fell on his brother Benjamin’s neck and wept; and Benjamin wept on his neck. And he kissed all his brothers and wept on them, and afterward his brothers talked with him.

Genesis 45:14-15

Jennifer Van Allen

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