The UnGodly

Me: Tough day?

Prodigal: I’d sooner dive into a bed of poison ivy than do that again.

Me: There is hope still.

This is from the book All of Grace by C.H. Spurgeon

Christ died for the ungodly when they were yet without strength. Maybe you have heard these words hundreds of times, and yet you have never before perceived their meaning. There is a wonderful thing about them. Jesus did not die for our righteousness, but He died for our sins. He did not come to save us because we were worth saving, but because we were utterly worthless, ruined, and undone. He did not come to earth out of any reason that was in us, but solely and only because of reasons that He took from the depths of His own divine love.

The apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.

Luke 17:5

Jennifer Van Allen

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